The Asyra is an EAV (ElectroAcupuncture according to Voll) device that is used to identify specific physiologic abnormalities in disease states or for prevention. It’s used to scan for toxic conditions or physiologic abnormalities within the body. These conditions are often responsible for contributing to ailments and often indicate the potential for future diseases and conditions. Asyra is often used to identify underlying root causes when someone is having “unexplained” symptoms. This can be organ weakness and stagnation, heavy metal or chemical accumulation, chronic infection, immune weakness, and many other possible root causes.
This vastly contrasts the traditional prescription-heavy mindset of modern day medicine which uses drugs to put a “band-aid” on the condition and often only suppresses the symptoms rather than getting down to the root cause and treating that.
Dr. Miller uses a proprietary scan for the Cowden protocol for Lyme disease and many other conditions. While the Asyra results are not a diagnosis of any disease, the benefits that have been reported by those we work with speak for themselves. The Asyra is just one of many tools listed here that give us valuable information to know which direction to go to help each client. It is not meant to be used by itself but in conjunction with other tools.