Alfa Thermometry:
The AlfaSight™ 9000
The future of medicine is about preventative care and diagnostics.
You can discover causative factors in disease progression.
The AlfaSight has detected predisposing factors for breast cancer sometimes years before a tumor is discoverable on a mammogram, heart conditions that have never been screened for, kidney dysfunctions in the beginning stages, and much more.
The following is a list of some of the organ and tissue patterns that can be accurately recognized by the ALFA System:

Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes (Pancreas)
Breast (Breast Health, Cystic Changes)
Liver Disease and Function
Endocrine Function (Pituitary/Thyroid/Ovary)
Cardiac Function (Efficiency, Electrophysiology)
Brain and Headache
Dental Infections
Structural Integrity (Neuromuscular)
Pulmonary Function
The system can also identify parallel disease factors accompanying many conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, cognitive disorders, and viral diseases. Early stage detection of such factors is critical. The AlfaSight 9000TM is an adjunct diagnostic device.