Ozone Sauna
Ozone increases Oxygen utilization (how efficiently the mitochondria furnaces in our cells, burn calories, and make energy.) A few common symptoms of decreased oxygen utilization are being cold, decreased exercise tolerance, chronic diseases, and increase in muscular skeletal pain. It has nothing to do with what you take in (oxygen level may look normal), but it has all to do with how your cells utilize it.
5 reasons why Ozone works so well for so many chronic and acute conditions in the body.
- Ozone is a potent regulator of the immune system. This means that when the immune system is overacting (autoimmunity) ozone will calm it down. Since ozone therapy is able to optimize and rebalance the immune system by its actions on cytokines and can also decrease inflammation, it is a natural choice for any auto-immune disease.
- Ozone stimulates the Oxygen to be released from the Hemoglobin into the tissue through a special enzyme called DPG. In the absence of adequate DPG, our cells become starved for oxygen.
- Ozone improves circulation.
- Ozone increases antioxidant protection powerfully by inducing production of your own internal antioxidants. Most patients with chronic illness have depleted antioxidant capability and excess free radicals.
- Ozone is a powerful stimulant of Mitochondria. The Mitochondria are the energy-producing source for every cell in your body. One of the fundamental causes behind chronic illness from Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, Chronic Fatigue, etc. is a decrease in mitochondrial energy production.
- Purge the body of accumulated toxins such as pesticides, PCBs, drug residues, and acidic wastes after a 30 minute sauna session.
- Produce Interleukin II, Gamma interferon (anti-cancer substances.)