Ionic Detox Foot Bath
The Revive Cleanse Ionic Detox Foot Bath involves filling a foot bath tub with clean water and adding sea salt which is high in mineral content. An array or water module is connected to the Revive Cleanse control box and placed in the water. This results in positive and negatively charged ions being circulated through the body of the Detox Foot bath Therapy subject. These ions circulate primarily via the lymphatic and circulatory systems, which bathe cells throughout the body, acting like magnets to attract the oppositely charged ions of toxins, heavy metals and cellular waste.
The bubbles are composed of hexagonal water clusters that wrap around the various oceanic minerals within the footbath. The combination of electrical attraction and small cluster size makes it easier for these tiny liquid bubbles to enter the pores of the skin and make their way into the lymphatic system.
Once inside the lymphatic system, these extremely small liquid bubbles will release their minerals into the lymph. This will generally raise the pH of the lymph towards the optimal value of 7.4. These liquid bubbles have a smaller cluster size and move more readily in the lymph. This, in turn, will tend to displace the old lymph that has a much lower pH and larger water cluster size. The old lymph fluid gets pushed toward either the elimination organs via the bloodstream, or back into the footbath water, where it gets discarded with the bath water at the end of the footbath session.
In conclusion, the Revive ionic footbath is one of the safest and most highly beneficial detoxification processes. This level of safety is due in part to the fact that this unique system does not require an actual current to be injected into the body, as with other detoxification modalities. This systematic process tends to displace toxins out of the cells and into the bath water, while also into the body’s elimination channels for recycling and/or disposal.